Preschool (Dandelions)

At Downlands School, we acknowledge the role that the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) plays in laying the foundations for future learning and development of life skills. Children can join FS1 (Dandelions) at the age of 3 and will remain in the Early Years until the end of their FS2 (Chestnuts) reception year. Our setting and curriculum is designed so that every child can learn and progress in a fun, stimulating and language rich environment which promotes awe and wonder and curiosity. FS1 and FS2 work closely together as a Foundation Stage Unit to ensure the continuity and progression of skills through the EYFS and strong transition links. We also place great emphasis on supporting speech and language development, using the Wellcomm screening and intervention toolkit with children as appropriate. The EYFS team are committed to providing the highest quality of care and education where every child feels included and valued.

Parents can use their Early Education Funding entitlement, including the Government 30 hours free funding for eligible 3 & 4-year-olds, at any time during opening hours. The hourly rate for pre-school is £5.00. Snack is served in a morning session at a cost of 20p per session. For more information, please contact the school office.

Morning session8:50 – 11:50 am
Afternoon session11:50 – 2:50 am
All day8:50 – 2:50 am