Curriculum Statement

Downlands Community School is a maintained school within Dorset Local Authority. As such, it adheres to the primary national curriculum. Nevertheless, like all schools, Downlands is unique in terms of context, setting and the community which it serves. Therefore, this curriculum statement describes the intent and implementation strategy which has been agreed by staff and governors.

As a new initiative, all pupils who attend Downlands Community School will now be given a Pupil Passport to chart the wider curriculum achievements and significant moments in their learning journey.

Downlands Community School is outward facing in terms of engaging with the latest teaching and learning strategies, using system leadership to strengthen practice. This is the latest version of our Teaching and Learning Policy which shows our current focus areas to ensure consistent learning experiences across the school.

Downlands Community School is committed to developing the whole child, including behaviour. Referring to Therapeutic Thinking principles, it seeks to foster a safe and trusting environment where children’s ‘internal discipline’ can flourish. In other words, children choosing ‘valued behaviours’ and rejecting ‘detrimental behaviours’. This the latest version of the school’s Behaviour Curriculum, showing how this is explcitly delivered across all year groups.